Ah, Indonesia
Episode 85 Wali Songo and People Surrounding Them

1. Preface
There are two famous historical books which contain many legends and myths in Javanese history, namely "Babad Tanah Jawi" (Javanese Chronicle) and "Serat Kand(h)a" (a Talking leaf). These books were published in 18th century in Javanese society who had been ruled by Dutch Colonial Government (VOC). These books made Javanese people remember their brightness by their ancestors in the past.
I will introduce articles about Wali Songo and people surrounding them which I have not uploaded to my website. This paper includes episodes in the above two books and official data from Sam Po Kong quill (ŽO•Ϋ“΄•_)at Semarang and Talang quill at Cirebon through explanation by Prof. Dr. Slamet Muljono in his book titled "Runtuhnya Kerajaan Hindu-Jawa dan Timbulnya Negara-negara Islam di Nusantara".

Please note that "Chinese Lady(ies)" in this paper does not mean lady(ies) born in China mainland but born in places where their fathers were, since no Chinese lady had not travelled abroad until 19th century when steam boats were available for long voyage with cheaper fare. Only Chinese men went abroad before this innovation of transportation system. These men must get married with local ladies where they were.

Well, we are going to start explanation about situation in main land China that has influenced to surrounding countries and the world at first.

The Ming Dynasty was established at the early 15th century. The emperor of Ming Yongle (Yung-lo ‰iŠy’ι) ordered to Zheng He (Cheng Ho “A˜a) to plan for establishing friendship with Southeast Asian countries, since the trading between these countries had been suspended for long time due to conflicts in China. Zheng He prepared the plan with help of syndicates of overseas Chinese who were spread to various place in Southeast Asia originated from Yunnan (‰_“μ) of China where Zheng He was originated. The first expedition was dispatched in 1403 conducted by Admiral Ying Qing (›šŒc) in accordance with the above plan and they succeeded in arriving at Malacca in the same year. The second and later expeditions were conducted by Zheng He by himself. During these expeditions, they arrested pirates in South China Sea and defeated countries which had interfered safety navigations of commercial boats among these countries. These activities by Zheng He brought peace in South China Sea and trading among coastal countries of South China Sea including China. These expeditions are admired as the first peaceful great expeditions in the world history.
Zheng He succeeded in reaching Pasai, northern Sumatra, and concluded a treaty of friendship and commerce with the Sultan Abidin Bahian Syah there in 1405. Following this treaty, many Chinese emigrated to Pasai and settled there. In 1407, Zheng He arrested a famous Cantonese pirate of Chen Zuyi (’Β‘c‹`) who occupied islands of the State of Riau at present and sent him to Beijing for punishment. After this event, sea lane around Palembang was secured and settled Chinese had increased in Palembang for merchandizing.

Under the circumstances in Southeast Asian countries as show above, Zheng He assigned Bong Tak Keng (œdϊΊ‹­) in Champa (Vietnam at present) to a governor of overseas Chinese Muslims of Hanafi in Southeast Asia in 1419 for strengthening power of China in these countries. Bong Tak Keng dispatched Gan Eng Chu (Gan Eng CuŠη‰p—T) as the Capitan at Tuban in east Java from Manila which was the main international port of Majapahit Kindom in 1423. Gan Eng Chu insinuated kings and queen of Majapahit and Queen Suhita of Majapahit assigned Gang Eng Chu to the lord of Tuban with a title of Tumenggung Wilatikta Arya Teja during her era between in 1427 and 1447. Gan Eng Chu promoted Swan Liong (‘·—΄) to an administrator of Chinese society in Palembang in 1443 under occupation of Majapahit Kindom. Because Swan Liong was a son between king Wikramawardhana of Majapahit and a Chinese lady.
I show a map with name of place in Java that are shown in this script and a family tree of concerned persons for reader's convenience at the last of this paper.
Swan Liong/Jaka Dillah/Arya Damar
Swan Liong was called as Jaka Dillah or Arya Damar in various books about Javanese history.

The Babad Tanah Jawi introduces Jaka Dillah as follow:
King Brawijaya II of Majapahit wanted to marry with a princess of Champa. Under the order of the King, Prime Minister Gajah Mada of Majapahit was delegated to Champa for the marriage proposal to a king of Champa. The king accepted to this proposal and Gajah Mada brought the princess back to Majapahit. Their marriage reception was held splendidly in the capital city of Majapahit Kingdom where is known as Trowulan at present.
Male and female giants lived in a dense forest near the capital city. The female giant was eager to be a wife of the King. The female giant took the shape of a beautiful woman and appeared at the market in the capital. People rumored about this beautiful woman in whole over the city. The King was interested in this rumor and ordered the Prime Minister Gajah Mada to bring her to the palace. The King fell in love with her at glance and accepted her as a mistress of the king. One day she asked servants to serve fresh meat and took it. The mistress revealed her own character and returned to a female giant. The King tried to kill her, but she managed to escape from the palace to the forest where she had been.
She gave a birth of a baby boy in the forest and named him Jaka Dillah. After growing up, this boy came to know from the male giant about his real father. Jaka Dillah went to see the king Brawijaya and was allowed to serve to the king. On a day the king wanted hunting in the forest. Jaka Dillah proposed the king that "No need to go to forest for hunting, Sir. You can enjoy hunting at the royal palace square." Jaka Dillah succeeded in collecting animals for the hunting to the square with help of his mother. The king was satisfied with his efforts and gave him a name of Arya Damar and a higher position in the palace. The king assigned Arya Damar to the lord of Palembang later on.

The Serat Kanda repeats and continues to the episode.
King Angkawijaya took a woman named Ni Raksesi to his wife. This mistress took a fresh meat and returned to a female giant and was exiled from the palace. She delivered a baby boy at Tayu. This boy served to the king after growing up and he was given a land at Palembang.
The king married with a princess of Champa, Drawarati, but she has not been pregnant for long time. According to an oracle about pregnancy of princess Champa, the king was obliged to take a Chinese lady to his wife. Then, the king married with a daughter of Kiai Bontang who was a close friend of the king. The princess Champa was jealous of this Chinese lady for her good looking and the lady became pregnant of the king's child. So as to solve the problems between these mistresses, the king gave the pregnant Chinese lady to Arya Damar who was about to leaving for Palembang for his new position. The lady had a baby boy in Palembang and named Raden Patah. Another boy was born next year between Arya Damar and her and was named Raden Kusen. These boys were grew up by Arya Damar.
The above episodes are folktales and not reliable to trace the real history.

On the other hand, official records in Sam Po Kong in Chinese language report about Swan Liong, in another name Arya Damar.
Swan Liong was born in Mojokerto between king Wikrawardhana of Majapahit and a Chinese lady.
Gan Eng Chu at Tuban dispatched Swan Liong to Palembang as a chief of Chinese society there in 1443, because Swan Liong was an expert of gunpowder and an artillery unit. Gen Eng Chu assigned Bong Swi Hoo (œd˜a) who was a grandson of Bong Tak Keng of Champa to an assistant of Swan Liong at Palembang in 1445.
Swan Liong grew up two sons of Raden Jimbun (Raden Patah’Β™€•Ά) and Raden Kikin (Raden Kusen ’Β‹ΰŽR) in Palembang. These two boys found Demak Sultanate later on.
Bong Swi Hoo/Raden Rahmat/Sunan Ngampel
The Babad Tanah Jawi illustrates about Bong Swi Hoo (œd˜a).
Makdum Ibrahim received a princess from a king of Champa, younger sister of Drawarati, as an award to his activities for islamization of Champa people. They made two boys of Raden Rahmat (Bong Swi Hoo) and Raden Santri. Raden Rahmat visited Majapahit with Raden Santri and Raden Burereh of prince of Champa to see their aunt, Drawarati. They stayed there for a year and they married with local princesses.

The Serat Kanda illustrates about Raden Rahmat a little bit different from the above episode.
Sayid Rahmat (Raden Rahmat) heard about his aunt Drawarati in Majapahit from his mother after his returning from pilgrim to Makkah. After his mother passing away, he left for Majapahit with Janalkabir a prince of Champa. They took a land transportation to Majapahit after landing at Jepara port. On their way to Majapahit, a son from Champa, Sayid Seh was ill in bed at Kudus. Sayid Rahmat married with Nyai Laro Ngunjun during recuperation of his son. They resumed their travel after the recovery from illness of the son. They were welcomed by king Angkawijaya at the capital city. The king allowed Syaid Rahmat to settle at Ngampel (Surabaya) and Syaid Rahmat married with a daughter of Arya Teja in 1386.

Records from Sam Poo Kong illustrate the episode of Bong Swi Hoo (Raden Rahmat).
Swan Liong delegated Bong Swi Hoo to Tuban as a messenger in 1446. Bong Swi Hoo married with a daughter of Gan Eng Chu there in the same year.
Gan Eng Chu instructed Bong Swi Hoo to create a Chinese Muslim society at Bangil located a river mouth of Brantas. Bong Swi Hoo propagated Islam Hanafi to not only local Chinese but also Javanese there.
Once the king of Majapahit assigned Gan Eng Wang(Šη‰p‰ ), brother of Gan Eng Chu, to the lord of Tuban. But Gan Eng Wang was assassinated by local Hinduist in 1448. Massacre to Chinese Muslims of Hanafi continued for half a century long after this assassination.
Power of non-Muslim Chinese superseded Muslim Chinese and Muslim society collapsed due to lack of relations between main land China originated from conflicts in Ming dynasty in 1450th. Buddhist attacked Champa in 1451. Considering these situations, Bong Swi Hoo shifted his base camp to Ngampel from Bangil for creating a new Muslim society with Javanese. Bong Swi Hoo changed language for preaching from Chinese to Javanese to activate his society of Chinese Muslim Hanafi in Ngampel. This activity was a great turning point of history of Java in their religion.
Bong Swi Hoo allocated Jimbun to Demak and Kinsan to Majapahit palace. King Kertabhumi gave Jimbun a title as a prince of Majapahit and a piece of land around Demak with request of Bong Swi Hoo.
Bong Swi Hoo closed his eyes in 1478 at Ngampel and buried at Ngampel. People in Surabaya have respected him as Sunan Ngampel (Sunan Ampel) as a Walisongo still now.

The left photo shows a mosque of Sunan Ampel in Surabaya taken by the author on July 29, 2009.

Raden Jimbun and Raden Kusen Brothers
As described above, Raden Jimbun and Raden Kusen were sons of Swan Liong (Arya Damar).

The Babad Tanah Jawi gives explanations on them.
The king of Palembang, Arya Damar, intended to allocate Raden Jimbun and Raden Kusen to the successor of the king and the prime minister respectively. They felt this fathers' intension as a heavy burden on them, since they were still young and did not have sufficient capabilities on handling government. They told their father of their intension as above. Arya Damar was enraged to these sons. Then, Raden Jimbun escaped from the palace and hided himself in a jungle. Raden Kusen also followed his brother. They managed to meet together at a lakeside and decided to come to Java.
They could catch a boat for Java after staying a certain period in Mt. Rasamuka. After landing at Surabaya they visited Sunan Ngampel and became students of Sunan Ngampel there.
Raden Jimbun married with a daughter of Sunan Ngampel. According to the instructions by Sunan Ngampel, Raden Jimbun settled in Bintara forest (Demak at present) and Raden Kusen served in the palace of Majapahit. Raden Jimbun reclaimed Bintara jungle and built a mosque there. Raden Kusen was promoted to the lord of Terung by the king, since he had an advantageous knowledge about gunpowder and fireworks from his father.
King Brawijaja was worried about a rebellion by the new comers who were reclaiming at Bintara forest. The king asked Raden Kusen about this issue. Raden Kusen replied to the King that the new comer was his brother. In response to request by the king, Raden Kusen brought Raden Jimbun to Majapahit. They met the king on their way to Majapahit. The king compared a face of Raden Jimbun and himself in a mirror, since Raden Jimbun looked like the king. Raden Jimbun introduced himself that he was a son of the king himself. The king accepted Raden Jimbun as his son and assigned him to the lord of Bintara area. The king prayed that his son would be a great Islamic leader in the area and ordered to Raden Patah annual audience to the king at his palace.

At that time, Javanese respected kings or queens as reincarnated human beings of the Dewas (Hindu God/Goddess) and people gave worship to them as same as to the Dewas. Raden Jimbun , however, rejected to give worship to the king, since he thought that the God was Allah for him in accordance with a doctrine of Islam. The king ordered Raden Kisen to bring his brother to make audience to the king. Raden Kisen talked his brother down to meet the king as requested. Raden Jimbun unwillingly left for Majapahit with his brother. When they reached to suburbs of the capital city with Islamic troops, the king evacuated from his palace with his staffs, since he was afraid of their attacks. Raden Jimbun wept over the empty palace and returned to Demak with disappointment.

The Serat Kanda continues to this episode:
Raden Jimbun had two boys of Raden Surya (Yat Sun ˆν‘·) and Raden Trenggana from the first wife, Raden Kanurwan from his second wife, and Raden Kikin and Ratu Mas Nyawa from his third wife. After Raden Jimbun passed away, these boys fought each other for holding supremacy of Demak Sultanate and led the Sultanate to its fall.

Let us trace back to the time by 70 years before the collapse of Demak Sultanate.
Staffs of Raden Jimbun could not help standing to attack the Majapahit after Sunan Ngampel passed away who had contained his staffs to do so, since kings of Majapahit had never interfered the propagation of Islam in the kingdom. After Sunan Ngampel passed away, Raden Jimbun attacked Majapahit in 1477. The king and royal family members evacuated to Sengguruh, about 30 km south from Malang city.
Raden Patah dispatched military forces to Senggugh in 1478, since the king refused to convert to Islam. The royal family was obliged to evacuate to Bali due to the attack by Raden Patah.
After this conquest, Jimbun founded Demak Sultanate and changed his name into Raden Patah that means a victory (Fatha).
We can see the name of prime minister Gajah Mada in the Serat Kanda. But Gajah Mada died in 1364, namely 36 years before this incident.

Records from Sam Poo Kong illustrate about Jin Bun and Kinsan.
Jin Bun (Raden Jimbun) and Kinsan (Raden Kusen) brothers visited Semarang on their way to Ngampel. Jin Bun wept over the scene that a statue of Zheng He stood in a mosque in Semarang. The old mosque had been changed into a quill. He prayed that he would build a mosque which would not change to the quill eternally.
This report shows that Chinese Islamic society has been declined in Semarang. In the other words, non-Muslim Chinese increased rapidly in Semarang.
Jin Bun attacked Semarang city in 1477 as the commandant of Islamic military with 1,000 troopers who had been trained in Bintara forest where Jin Bun had started to reclaim since 1475. Jin Bun did not kill non-Muslim Chinese in Semarang and secured Sam Poo Kong quill from the destruction by his army, since he required their technology for navigation and ship building to strengthen his armada to rule the sea lane.
Jin Bun visited Majapahit in 1477 and informed to the king that he was a son of the king, but he did not accept king's request for audience by the reason that he was a Muslim.
After death of Sunan Ngampel, Jin Bun made an assault to Majapahit in 1478 and plundered treasures from the palace of 7 horses, and arrested his father, king Kertabhumi, in Demak. But he did not destroy the capital of the kingdom. Jin Bun brought back his brother, Kinsan, who had been working as a spy of Demak Sultanate from the palace and appointed him to the governor of Semarang.
This incident influenced to reduce power of Majapahit traders who had obtained huge profit through spice trading between Maluku Islands and Java. On the contrary, Chinese traders occupied the position of the Majapahit traders with help of military power of Demak Sultanate. King Girindrawardhana of Majapahit under the Demak sultanate schemed to restore his kingdom with help of Portuguese who completed A-Famosa fort at Malacca in 1511 and expanded his arms to Maluku in 1517 for monopolizing spice trading. This scheme arouse anger of Raden Patah (Jin Bun) and he assaulted the capital city of Majapahit in 1517 twice. Raden Patah, however, did not divest the position of king of Majapahit from king Girindrawardhana, since one of wives of the king was a sister of Raden Patah.
Raden Patah closed his brilliant life in 1518 at his age of 63 years old.

Raden Kusen, a brother of Raden Patah, participated activities in governing the Demak Sultanate after Raden Patah passed away.
The governor of Semarang, Raden Kusen, appointed Gan Si Chang (Cang), who was a son of Gan Eng Chu (Cu), to the leader of non-muslim Chinese in Semarang. They restored a saw mill for producing materials of shipbuilding and a shipyard in Semarang which were constructed at early 16th century by Zheng He. Raden Kusen governed Semarang well with his supreme capabilities and his tolerant characters to non-muslims for 51 years long until he died.
Raden Kusen visited the shipyard with Yat Sun, son of Raden Patah in 1509 for accelerating shipbuilding there for capturing Malacca port prior to occupation by Portuguese.
Raden Kusen and Gan Si Chang improved model of their junks by copying the shape of ship own by Ja Tik Su which was casually docked for repairing in 1513. Ja Tik Su went to Demak during repairing and stayed there.
Demak armada attacked the fort of Portuguese in Malacca in 1521 with new cannons invented by Raden Kusen, but they failed to capture the fort, since Portuguese equipped cannons with higher performance than the Demak's.
Demak armada attacked port of Sunda Kelapa (an oldest port of Jakarta) and king of Sunda of Pajajaran in 1526 who had allowed the Portuguese to construct a fort at Sunda Kelapa. Raden Kusen was on board one of the warships to Sunda Kelapa from Semarang and landed at Cirebon. The official data from Talang quill clarified the reason of call of the armada that through the hand of Kin San (Raden Kusen) Demak Sultan awarded title of Maulana Ifdil Hanafi to a leader of Muslim Chinese society at Sembung in Cirebon, Tan Eng Hoat, to establish close collaborate between both societies. Kin San stayed at Sembung for a month long as the honored guest.
Kin San passed away in 1529 at age of 74 years old, and the position of governor was succeeded to Muk Ming (’Β–Ψ–Ύ) who was a grandson of Raden Patah.

Sunan Kalijaga/Gan Si Chang
The Babad Tanah Jawi recorded an episode about Sunan Kalijaga.
Jaka Sahid, a son of Tumenggung Wilatikta was a habitual gambler when he was young. He used to commit a robbery. One day he came across a man in the forest of Jati Sekar. The man advised Jaka Sahid to commit a robbery from a man who was in dark blue with earrings of hibiscus flowers. Jaka Sahid found a man in such wearing three days after the advice. When Jaka Sahid committed the activities, the man appeared at front, back, left and right sides of the robber. This man was Sunan Bonang, a son of Sunan Ngampel, who had given an advice to Joko Sahid. Joko Sahid surrendered to him by his supernatural power. Sunan Bonang instructed Joko Sahid to secure the cane of Sunan Bonang in the forest. After a year, Sunan Bonang witnessed that Joko Sahid was still securing his cane. Sunan Bonang instructed to Joko Sahid to secure the cane another year. Next year Joko Sahid was allowed to leave this duty and became a student of Sunan Bonang. Joko Sahid changed his name into Sunan Kalijaga after a couple of years of practices in Kalijaga forest.

This episode continues in the Serat Kanda.
After studying at Islamic school run by Sunan Bonang, Sunan Kalijaga was on pilgrim to Makkah. On his way to Mekkah, Sunan Kalijaga met Syaikh Sayid Maulana Ibrahim at Penang Island. Syaikh Sayid Maulana Ibrahim advised Sunan Kalijaga to return to Java for participating construction of the Grand Mosque in Demak. When he reached to off-shore of Jepara port, the boat could not be navigated at all. The boat resumed navigation with an east wind after Sunan Kalijaga gave worship to Allah and he could arrive at Cirebon. The ship owner and his crews were astonished to witness that Sunan Kalijaga walked on sea surface and they became men of Sunan Kalijaga. After landing, Sunan Kalijaga left for Gunung Jati where his teacher Syaikh Sayid Maulana Ibrahim stayed. Sunan Kalijaga married with a daughter of Syaikh Sayid Maulana Ibrahim and returned to Cirebon.

It is rather peculiar that the Serat Kanda explained about meeting of both men, since Syaikh Sayid Maulana Ibrahim died in 1419 at Gresik and Sunan Kalijaga might be born 1430th.

The Babad Tanah Jawi gives description.
Raden Sahid was a son of Tumenggung Wilatika of Majapahit. Tumenggun Wilatikta at that time was Arya Teja (Gan Eng Chu). Namely, Raden Sahid was identified as Gan Si Chang, a son of Gan Eng Chu.
As readers have realized, only Sunan Kalijaga wears Javanese cap among Walisongo. This may be derived from the fact that Sunan Kalijaga has abandoned Islam in his life. That is why, Raden Kusen appointed him to the leader of non-muslim Chinese in Semarang.
It is a prudent tactic taken by Raden Kusen to nominate Gan Si Chang in 1478 as the leader of non-Muslim Chinese, since most of Chinese people in Semarang were non-Muslims due to increase of immigrant from Hokkian district in China.
Gan Si Chang collaborated to strengthening armada of Demak and associated to build the Grand Mosque in Demak in 1481. Its symbol is Saka Tal. The column is made of laminated lumber which technique was applied to produce main masts of sailing boat. It seems that Gan Si Chang was nominated one of Walisongo, Sunan Kalijaga, due to his collaboration.
Wikipedia shows us that Sunan Kalijaga was born in 1450 and died uncertain. He was buried in a graveyard in Bintara forest.
Raden Surya/Yat Sun
Raden Surya (Yat Sun ˆν‘·) is the eldest son of Jimbun. Raden Surya was called with different names, such as Sultan Yunus, Pangerang Sabrang Lor.
Records from Sam Poo Kong at Semarang give explanation about Yat Sun.
Yat Sun (Raden Surya) visited the shipyard at Semarang with his uncle Kinsan (Raden Kusen) in 1509 to accelerate shipbuilding for strengthening Demak's armada.
Yat Sun attacked Malacca occupied by Portuguese in 1512 but failed to capture it.
Yat Sun ascended to the throne of Demak Sultan after his father, Jin Bun, passed away in 1518.
Yat Sun died by lung cancer in 1521 during attack to Malacca which failed again. His younger brother, Tung Ka Lo, ascended to the throne of Demak Sultan after Yat Sun.
Wikipedia tells that Yat Sun was born in about 1480. He seems to die at age of 40th.
Tung Ka Lo
Even though Tung Ka Lo could ascend to the throne of Demak Sultan, the other brothers started struggles for supremacy of Demak. As show above, Jimbun had four boys, such as Yat Sun and Tung Ka Lo from the first wife, Kanduruwan from the second wife and Raden Kikin (Pangeran Seda Lepen) from the third wife.
The custom at the era gave a priority to the order of age of sons to succeed to heritage and position of the late father. This means that Raden Kikin should have the top priority to be the sultan. The second priority was given to Tung Ka Lo. Raden Kikin was assassinated by Muk Ming (Sunan Prawata ’Β–Ψ–Ύ), a son of Tung Ka Lo. The assassination became a trigger of internal struggle among sons of Raden Patah and consequently the conflict led the end of Demak Sultanate.
Records from Sam Poo Kong at Semarang give explanation about Tung Ka Lo.
Tung Ka Lo had two sons, Muk Ming and Toh A Bo (“mˆ’”g).
King Girindrawardhana of Majapahit tried to communicate to Portuguese secretly who expanded his arm to Maluku Islands through Java Sea. Tung Ka Lo attacked Majapahit with armed forces of Demak with the commandant Toh A Bo in 1527. The capital of Majapahit was burned to the ground. Royal family members of Majapahit evacuated to Pasuruan and other areas where they were respected by local people with Java-Hindu religion. Kingdom of Majapahit completely closed her history at this moment.
Tung Ka Lo dispatched large armada to Maluku Islands to wipe off the power of Portuguese there to secure the trading route and profit of Demak in 1546. This expedition was suspended on its way, since Tung Ka Lo passed away during the expedition. Muk Ming ascended to the throne of the Sultan immediately.
While this expedition, Penangsang Jipang, who was a son of assassinated Raden Kikin, attacked to Demak and whole city area was burned to the ground excepting the Grand Mosque. Demak military retreated to Semarang and barricaded at the shipyard. Muk Ming was killed there with his son and his garrison was defeated entirely. This is the fall of Demak Sultanate which lived for 71 years.

Jayaningrat, the lord of Pengging, had a boy named Kebo Kenanga from his wife who was a sister of Swan Liong. Before the fall of Demak Sultanate, Kebo Kenanga pledged his loyalty to the king of Majapahit of his grandfather. Raden Patah dispatched Sunan Kudus as an assassinator to kill Kebo Kenanga, since Raden Patah doubted that Kebo Kenaga might plot rebellion against Demak.
Jaka Tingkir, a son of Kebo Kenanga, defeated Arya Penangsang Jipang in 1552. Jaka Tingkir of Pajang became the king to govern whole Java. He changed his name into Sultan Hadiwijaya who was the founder of the Mataram Dynasty which has continued still now.

Toh A Bo/Fatahillah/Faletehan/Sunan Gunung Jati
Let us go back to the time about 20 years ago from the above incident.
A son of Tung Ka Lo visited Sembung and attacked Sunda Kelapa in 1526 and destroyed Majapahit kingdom in 1527. His name was known as Toh A Bo (“mˆ’”g). Prior to attack to Sunda Kelapa, Toh A Bo accompanied Raden Kusen to Sembung in Cirebon to award a title of Maulana Ifdil Hanafi to Tan Eng Hoat as described at the script about Raden Kusen.
Demak navy annihilated a Portuguese troop whose boat was wrecked and drifted ashore near Sunda Kelapa just a few days after battle at Sunda Kalapa. The commandant celebrated the victory at these attacks and named himself as Fathan (victory). Portuguese recorded his name as Faletehan.
Faletehan is a name of street in Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta. There are many bars for westerners along this street. How does Toh A Bo feel that his name became famous as an amusement center? This word means Fatahillah (favor of the God) and the Jakarta History Museum is called as "Fatahillah museum" which had been built for the Batavia City Hall during Dutch colonial era.
It was the earlier period of Maritime. Toh A Bo ascended to the throne of Sultan in the area of Banten and Jayakarta (ex Sunda Kelapa) against invasion of Portuguese.

Toh A Bo had a sister who married with Sultan Hadiwijaya who became the supreme ruler in Java after the death of Muk Ming, the last Sultan of Demak. Arya Penangsang Jipang was a son of Raden Kikin who was killed by Muk Ming and was a cousin through his father as well. Toh A Bo had a right to become a sultan of Demak, but the situation did not allow him to claim the position. Moreover, Toh A Bo did not want to obey to Sultan Hadiwijaya, because Hadiwijaya professed Syi'ah against Hanafi for Toh A Bo.
Toh A Bo was disappointed to these situations and transferred his position to his son, Hasadnuddin, and visited Tan Eng Hoat at Sembung, Cirebon in 1552 without garrison to find a place to live in the rest of his life peacefully. Tan Eng Hoat was surprised at the unexpected visitor and received him as a precious guest.
Time drove him to the opposite direction which he hoped.
Records from Talang quill describe about the circumstances.
It had passed 4 generations after interruption of relationship between China mainland and Cirebon due to conflict in Ming Dynasty. Chinese population increased drastically in Cirebon who was non-Muslim originated from Fujian(Hokkian•ŸŒš) district. Tan Eng Hoat had strong desire to form an Islamic Chinese society in Cirebon through establishing Cirebon Sultanate headed by the Hanafi group. Toh A Bo should be the most qualified person to be the leader for this movement. To A Bo succeeded in establishing Cirebon Sultanate with help of muslim Chinese in Sembung in 1552. He organized a troop which was composed by muslim Chinese in Sembung and manged to govern non-muslim Chinese with his military power.
Toh A Bo married with a daughter of Tan Eng Hoat in 1553. The marriage ceremony was conducted by Tan Sam Chai (Cai), a nephew of Tan Eng Hoat. Tan Sam Chai had an Islamic name of Muhammad Syafi'i, but he has never given worship in Islamic way but always burnt incense in Talang quill. Further he made a harem as well as a sultan in Turkey. He had not been eliminated by the sultan, since Tang Sam Chai contributed to the sultanate by improving financial situation of sultanate to protect them against power from outside.
Toh A Bo passed away in 1570 and buried in the graveyard for sultans Gunung Jati. Then, people have called him as Sunan Gunungjati.
Tan Sam Chai helped a son of Toh A Bo, the successor of sultan, since the new sultan was still young when Sunan Gunungjati died. Kung Sem Pak, a grandson of Admiral Kung Wu Hing (ŒφŒΰ•o), was an opposite party against Tan Sam Chai.
Tan Sam Chai was poisoned in his harem in 1585 and was buried in his residence, since Kung Sem Pak refused to bury the body in the graveyard for sultans.
The readers may pay attention to the Islamic names given to Tan Eng Hoat family member.
Tan Eng Hoat was given as Maulana Ifdil Hanafi. On the other hand, his nephew Tan Sam Chai was given as Muhammad Syafi'i. From these data, we can know that main stream of Islam among not only Chinese but also Javanese has been changed from Hanafi to Syafi'i in this period.
A leader of Syi'ah Syaikh Siti Jenar, Syaikh Lemah Abang was burned at the stake during the regime of Jimbun. Now we cannot find Syi'ah believer in Indonesia, but Javanese way of thinking still include dogmas by Syi'ah and Hindu-Buddha. This is the reason that the Javanese Islam is not a real Islam but Kejawen.
Sunan Kudus
The Babad Tanah Jawi stated that Sunan Kudus was a son between Sunan Ngampel and Nyai Lara Nguju from Nuraga.

The Serat Kanda reports that Demak rebelled against Majapahit and the commandant of Demak troops was Sunan Kudus (Sunan Udung). This article intimates that Sunan Kudus served in military in 1470th.

Sunan Kudus appeared in the official records from Sam Po Kong in another name of Ja Tik Su who repaired his boat at Semarang shipyard in 1513. The records also report that Sunan Kudus agitated his student Arya Penangsang Jipang to eliminate Sunan Prawata (Muk Ming) for Arya Penangsang Jipang to be able to hold supremacy in struggle among family members for the position of Demak Sultan. This article suggested the era of 1540th.

Further, the Babad Tanah Jawi explained that Sunan Kudus advised the lord of Demak to govern Pajang Sultanate under the name of his wife who was a daughter of Sultan Hadiwijaya of Pajang. This article indicates that Sunan Kudus pulled wires from behind at least in the era of 1550th.
The first article of the above indicates that Sunan Kudus was born in 1450th at the latest. The last article shows that Sunan Kudus was a wirepuller in 1550th. These articles lead a conclusion that Sunan Kudus had a long life over a hundred years old. It is unrealistic. They might be different persons with the same name.
Further, Sunan Kudus might have a dream to eliminate all the candidates of Sultan of Demak, since he had no right to ascend to the throne of Sultan. The background has been hidden in the darkness of history.
Sunan Giri
The Babad Tanah Jawi illustrates about Sunan Giri.
Maulana Wali Lanang left Ngampel for Balambangan to propagate Islam. An epidemic spread at Blambangan when he arrived. He succeeded in curing a princess of Blambangan from the epidemic. The king of Blambangan awarded her to Maulana Wali Lanang as a prise of ceasing the epidemic in the area. Maulana Wali Lanang failed to convert the king to Islam and returned to Malacca by leaving the wife. She gave a birth of a baby boy at Blambangan. The boy was left at river mouth of Blambangan, since the king did not prefer to this boy. Ki Samboja picked him up and brought to Majapahit. A wife of Ki Samboja grew him up after her husband died and named him Sunan Giri. He was educated by Sunan Ngampel with his son of Sunan Bonang. These boys stayed at Malacca to learn about Islam from Maulana Wali Lanang on their way to pilgrim to Mecca. However Maulana Wali Lanang advised them to return to Java. He gave a name of King Setmata to Sunan Giri and Nyakrakusmaadi to Sunan Bonang.
King Majapahit was afraid that the people of Majapahit converted to Islam by their efforts and gathered under Sunan Giri might plot a rebellion against Majapahit kindom. The king ordered the prime minister Gajah Mada to attack the secret base camp of Suan Giri, but they failed in this operation, since the men of Sunan Giri were brave enough to fight with non-Islams. During battles, many soldiers of Sunan Giri were wounded and sound soldiers ran away from the battle field. Upon hearing this report, Sunan Giri prayed to Allah and left for the battle field. Sunan Giri made himself invisible and let soldiers of Majapahit kill their officers. Soldiers of Majapahit were afraid of his Kalam Munyeng (spinning pen) which automatically killed enemies. Troop of Majapahit flew back to Majapahit. Sunan Giri passed away after this battle and his grandson, Sunan Parapen, succeeded to the position.
King Brawijaya succeeded in breakthrough of defense line of Suan Parapen to cease the rebellion. The Majapahit troops tried to open the grave of Sunan Giri as the revenge. But they failed to do so, since thousands of drones came out from the grave and soldiers of Majapahit flew back to Majapahit. After this incident, king Majapahit did not attack to the Islamic group any more.
The Serat Kanda reports about Sunan Giri.
Sunan Giri participated construction of the Grand Mosque of Demak which was completed in 1329. At this occasion, Sunan Giri served a clothes named Antrakusma to Sunan Kalijaga which Sunan Kudus used at battle fields.
A daughter of Sunan Giri got two sons of Raden Surya and Raden Trenggana between Raden Patah. Raden Surya married with Retba Lembah and Raden Trenggana married with a daughter of Arya Damar.
Raden Patah plotted rebellion against king of Majapahit with his troop. All Wali Songo sent their sons to the rebellion. Only Sunan Kudus participated this rebellion among Wali Songo. Troops of Majapahit were conducted by Gajah Mada, the lord of Terung and the lord of Pengging, Jayaningrat. Sunan Giri handed over the keris makripat (knife of truth) and a breastplate to the commandant of Demak Raden Imam and Sunan Gungjati respectively. The keris makripat brought out strong wind and heavy rain and the breastplate provide huge numbers of rat which finished the foods for Majapahit soldiers. These incidents pushed back Majapahit troops to its capital. House of the lord of Terung was not destroyed, since he had converted into Islam. King Brawijaya with Gajah Mada evacuated to Sengguruh in Saka 1399 (AD.1477). Even Panembahan Jimbun (Raden Patah) gave the king a chance to convert to Islam, the king refused it. King Brawijaya was obliged to evacuate to Bali after troops of Demak attacked again to the shelter of the king in Saka 1400 (AD.1478).

Records from Sam Po Kong report about this consequence.
Sunan Giri visited the shipyard and Sam Po Kong with Sunan Bonang, a son of Bong Swi Hoo in 1479. They might be on the way to Malacca.
Sunan Bonang (œd“Ώˆΐ)
According to record from Sam Po Kong, Sunan Bonang was at four years old when his father, Bong Swi Hoo married with a daughter of Gan Eng Chu. Sunan Bonang was born in 1443. Sunan Bonan was not good at Chinese language, since he grew up in Javenese society but Chinese society.
Sunan Bonang was old as Sunan Giri and they were educated by Bong Swi Hoo.

The Babad Tanah Jawi presents that Sunan Bonang made Jaka Sahid (Sunan Kalijaga) penitence at Jati Sekar forest.


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